Sunday, 10 December 2017

What is control structure and how many types are ?

Control structure:

Control structure defines the flow of execution of a program.
There are following control structures:
1.      Sequential
2.      Iteration
3.      Conditional
4.      Functions


The sequential control structure is a type which defines that the flow of execution will in a sequence.

Here is an example to understand it
void main()
  cout << “Hello world” ;
The above program is the example of sequential control structure. It means that firstly clrscr(); function will be executed and then cout<< “Hello world” ; statement will be executed and then getch(); function will be executed. It is the normal flow of the execution of a program.


Iteration means repetition. Iteration means repeating a block of statement instead of writing the same statement many times.

Here is an example to understand:
void main()
            int c=0;
                        cout << “I love Pakistan” << endl ;

                        I love Pakistan
I love Pakistan
I love Pakistan
I love Pakistan
I love Pakistan

The above example is the example of iteration control structure. It will execute until value of c doesn’t reached to 5. Means it repeats cout << “I Love Pakistan” << endl ; five times.
The above output can be generated by the following program.
void main()
  cout << “I love Pakistan” << endl ;
  cout << “I love Pakistan” << endl ;
  cout << “I love Pakistan” << endl ;
  cout << “I love Pakistan” << endl ;
  cout << “I love Pakistan” << endl ;
            There are the main types of loops:
1.      while loop
2.      do-while loop
3.      for loop
Later we will discuss about the types of loop in details.


Conditional control structure defines the flow of execution of a program in a condition.
Here is an example to understand the conditional control structure.
void main()
  int marks;
  cout<< “Enter marks: ” ;
  cin>> marks;
  if (marks > 40)
       cout<< “ Congratulation! You have passed ” ;
In the above example if you input marks to 40 the output will be “Congratulation! You have passed” otherwise there will be nothing in the output of the program.


A Function is a set of instructions which is used to perform a specific task. Every C++ program has at least one function which is main(). You can divide your program info different function depending on you.
A simple example of the function is the “clrscr();” function which is used to clear the output window.

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